Site Policies

Website Accessibility Policy

Lamar State College Port Arthur's website exists in a form that is accessible to a broad range of access devices.

This site has been engineered using the recommendations of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. 遵循这些准则将使内容易于访问 a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness 听力损失,学习障碍,认知障碍,运动受限, 语言障碍,感光障碍以及这些的组合. Following these guidelines 通常也会使Web内容对用户更有用.

To improve the accessibility of our Web site, we test any major redesign with screen readers and other tools. 这些审查的结果被合并到Web中 site. 我们目前使用各种工具进行站点验证,这是我们的目标 WCAG 2.0 AA级符合性和遵守由 state (TAC 206 & TAC 213). 

More information on WCAG 2.0标准可在下列网页查阅:

If you use assistive technology and the format of any material on our websites interfere 在您能够访问信息的情况下,请使用以下几点 contact for assistance. 为了使我们能够以对您最有帮助的方式作出回应,请 indicate the nature of your accessibility problem, the preferred format in which to 收到材料,请求材料的网址,以及您的开云体育平台登录入口 information.

Laurie Marcantel
Disability Services Coordinator
Voice: 409-984-6241
TDD: 409-984-6242
FAX: 409-984-6056

Lamar State College Port Arthur is open to suggestions on how the accessibility of this website can be improved. 请与EIR无障碍协调员联系至 offer suggestions or comments.

Susan Cook
EIR Accessibility Coordinator
Voice: 409-984-6146

 Website Linking Notice

Linking to an 开云体育平台登录入口 Website

Advance permission to link to 开云体育平台登录入口 websites is not required as long as that linking 不会侵犯内容所有者或开云体育平台登录入口的权利. 开云体育平台登录入口 reserves the 有权随时更改其子网页的网址和内容,而不另行通知.

Some information on 开云体育平台登录入口’s websites may be protected by trademark and copyright laws 或者作为知识产权受到保护. Protected intellectual property must be used in accordance with state and federal laws and must reflect the proper ownership of the intellectual property.

开云体育平台登录入口’s trade and/or service names and marks are protected by law and may not be used without the written consent. 因此,不要在您的框架中捕获我们的页面 或以其他方式呈现我们的内容作为你自己的.

Do not link to individual graphics or tables within our pages, especially in an effort 将下载负担放在我们的服务器上. Such an action may be considered an inappropriate use of state resources.

任何链接到我们的网站应该是一个完整的转发链接,告诉客户端浏览器 to our site unencumbered. 后退按钮应该将访问者返回到原始页面 site if the visitor wishes to back out.

Links to External Sites

开云体育平台登录入口 provides links to 适合我们的使命和目标的网站 and as a convenience to our site visitors.

链接到外部网站不构成对内容的认可。 viewpoint, accuracy, opinions, policies, products, services, or accessibility of the site. 提及供应商、产品或服务仅供参考 only. 开云体育平台登录入口 reserves the right to remove links to external sites if they are inaccurate, inactive, or inappropriate.

开云体育平台登录入口不进入互惠链接协议,虽然我们提供链接到 适合我们的使命和目标的网站. Our creation of a link to a site 不要求该网站的所有者提供回开云体育平台登录入口的链接.

Upon leaving a 开云体育平台登录入口 website and linking to an external site, the policies governing the 开云体育平台登录入口 website no longer apply and users are subject to the external site's policies. If you discover an error or otherwise wish to comment on the content of a linked site, 你应该联系网站的所有者.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this policy, the practices of this site, or dealings with this website, you can contact us by email or by mail at:

Information Technology Services
Lamar State College Port Arthur
P.O. Box 310
Port Arthur, TX 77641

Website Privacy Policy

Lamar State College Port Arthur (开云体育平台登录入口) is committed to protecting your personal privacy. We treat your privacy as we do our own.

This Privacy Statement discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for our website, 声明概述了我们可能收集的信息, 我们如何保护它,我们如何使用这些信息.

1. Collection of Information

While using our web pages, you do not have to identify yourself or divulge personal information. 我们可能会收集您的一般信息,但不会识别您的身份 personally. 这可能包括您的IP地址、网页名称等数据 from which you entered our site, and which of our web pages you visited and for how 长,以及其他一般行为数据. We aggregate this information to help 我们更好地关注我们的访客的需求和兴趣,并提高整体 functionality of our website.

As you use our website, we will not collect any personal information including your 姓名,街道地址,电子邮件地址和电话号码,除非您提供 information to us voluntarily.

2. Cookies

When you view our website, we may store some information on your computer in the form of a cookie. “cookie”是一个小文件,其中包含放置在 user’s computer by a web server.

Cookies allow us to tailor our website to better match your interests and preferences. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any of your personally identifiable information while on our site. 您可以接受或拒绝cookie. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. 如果您选择拒绝cookies,您可能无法完全 体验我们网站的所有功能和内容.

Any information that 开云体育平台登录入口 web servers may store in cookies is used for internal purposes only. Cookie数据不会以任何方式泄露个人身份 information to outside parties unless legally required to do so in connection with 执法调查或其他法律程序.

3. Third-Party Content

We may utilize third party services to better provide you with information, but likewise, will never collect personally identifiable information or transfer it to these companies.

4. Logs and Network Monitoring

开云体育平台登录入口 maintains log files of all access to its site and also monitors network traffic for the purposes of site management. 此信息用于帮助诊断问题 并执行其他管理任务. Log analysis tools are also used to create summary statistics to determine which information is of most interest to users, to identify system problem areas, or to help determine technical requirements.


    • IP地址:请求访问站点的计算机的IP地址
    • User-Agent: the type of browser, its version, and the operating system of the computer requesting access (e.g.、IE 11 (Windows)、Safari/Firefox (MacOS)
    • 引用者:用户来自的网页
    • 系统日期:访问时服务器上的日期和时间
    • 完整请求:用户发出的确切请求
    • 状态:服务器返回的状态码,e.g., fulfilled request, file not found
    • 内容长度:发送给用户的文件的大小,以字节为单位
    • Method:浏览器使用的请求方法.g., post, get)
    • Universal Resource Identifier (URI): the location of the particular resource requested. (More commonly known as a URL.)
    • URI的查询字符串:URI中问号之后的任何内容. For example, if a keyword search has been requested, the search word will appear in the query string.
    • 协议:使用的技术协议和版本.e., http 1.1, ftp, etc.

The above information is not used in any way that would reveal personally identifying information to outside parties unless legally required to do so in connection with 执法调查或其他法律程序.

5. Email and Form Information

If a member of the general public sends 开云体育平台登录入口 an email message or fills out a web-based 表单中包含个人识别信息的问题或评论, 该信息将仅用于响应请求和分析趋势. The message may be redirected to another person or office that is better able to answer your question. 这些信息不会以任何可能泄露个人信息的方式使用 identifying information to outside parties unless legally required to do so in connection 配合执法机关调查或其他法律程序.

6. Links

This site contains links to other sites. 开云体育平台登录入口不对隐私负责 此类网站的做法或内容.

7. Use and Sharing of Information

当您向我们提供个人数据时,我们可能会使用该信息与您联系 或向您提供有关开云体育平台登录入口服务、事件或新闻的信息.

We will not sell, share, or otherwise distribute your personally identifiable information 提供给第三方,法律规定的除外. 开云体育平台登录入口是一个公共机构,一些信息 collected from our website, server log information, emails, and web-based forms, may be subject to the Texas Public Information Act (TGC 552).

8. Your Consent to This Privacy Statement

By using our website, you signify that you agree with the terms of our current Privacy 声明张贴在网站的这个区域. If you do not agree with any term 在本声明中,请不要在本网站提供任何个人资料. If you do not provide personal information on this site, you may not be able to do certain things like access particular areas of the site, request certain types of information, or send us email.

9. Our Commitment to Security

We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect against the 遗失、误用或更改我们所控制的资料. Safeguards include restricted access to computer systems, firewalls, encryption, and secure authentication methods. 只有需要这些信息来执行特定工作的员工才会被授予这些信息 获取个人身份信息.

10. Changes to this Statement

We may occasionally decide to change our privacy statement, especially as new features are added to our website. 如果对本声明有任何修改,我们将予以公布 changes here so you are always aware of what information we collect, and how we use it.

11. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or dealings with this website, you can contact us by email or by mail at:

Information Technology Services
Lamar State College Port Arthur
P.O. Box 310
Port Arthur, TX 77641